februarie 25, 2006

Un exercitiu de concentrare si relaxare

First take 5 long breaths, keep it within and then release air out.
Then sit quite and upright, and then focus on each part of your body from toes to the head. Imagine you can feel them each cell in your body.
Then see your mind as an ocean and imagine it is drowing all your thoughts one by one, be silent mentally, watch all your thought perish in the deep blue see.
See the lotus rise in that ocean in your heart(imagine a blue lotus flower with 12 petals at the centre) and focus on it while breathing. Just focus on it, imagine all stars and saints are blessing you from above and are ready to help you.
Then start breathing and chanting Soh (breath in), Aham (breath out).
Try close your eyes and breathe in and out rythmically for 5 finutes, count your breaths, 1, 2, 3, like that. Do it 108 times(108 is a number of universal harmony).
Say within "Soh" while breathing in and "Aham" while breathing
(Soh=That, or HE, that is Divine, Aham= I, me ;Soh Aham means, THAT (Divine) is ME